Chrissy Amphlett’s ˜I Touch Myself’ becomes a breast health awareness anthem

On the 14th April 2014, the Cancer Council launched a video featuring leading female artists – Olivia Newton John, Megan Washington, Sarah McLeod, Katie Noonan, Sarah Blasko, Suze DeMarchi, Deborah Conway, Kate Ceberano, Little Pattie and Connie Mitchell – in a tender rendition of Chrissy Amphlett and The Divinyls song “I Touch Myself”.

Chrissy passed away following her battle with breast cancer at the age of 53 and to mark the the first anniversary, the campaign will ask women to ˜touch themselves’, as a way of reminding women to be in touch with their bodies and, if something’s not right, see their doctor.

For more information on the campaign visit

The I Touch Myself Project website: