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œOur airline partnered with Safety Dimensions (SD) to deliver a Safety Leadership Program that equipped all staff in leadership roles to engage in i.L.E.A.D. conversations relating to ˜at risk behaviours’. This involved over 2000 staff who are leaders in (the organisation) from Senior Executives to Leadhands. SD trained our airlines facilitators who co-facilitated with SD until they were competent and confident to facilitate. The SD facilitators were exceptional in positioning the team of our facilitators to facilitate to a high standard. The workbooks that were developed and customised to individual business areas is a resource that we continue to use in the induction of new leaders.

This program has assisted the airline to continue to improve in its safety journey and has enabled the company to take the next step in achieving its vision of zero harm in the workplace.

GM Safety & Employee Wellbeing, Major International Airline



The BMD Seymour Whyte Joint Venture, delivering the Port of Brisbane Motorway upgrade, recently won the 2012 Industry Leaders and Training award for outstanding commitment to training.

œThanks to the assistance of Safety Dimensions in helping us build a culture of behavioural safety leadership on our project. As a project we have focused our efforts on developing safety leaders at all levels. It is very rewarding that this effort has been recognised by industry

Kylie Jarrard, HR & Training Advisor , BMD Seymour Whyte Joint Venture

œIn 2003, in my capacity as Executive General Manager – John Holland Group Pty Limited, I engaged Safety Dimensions. Safety Dimensions was a very significant success by all measures¦ John Holland was able to dramatically improve the safety of its workforce and that of its subcontractors, with the incidence of Class One events reduced by an annual 20%. We were then able to move to a fully integrated management system, where safety, quality, environment and commercial risks were addressed by a single management system and where the ˜language’ of risk became consistent across the company’s operations. This produced widespread improvements in all areas of the business.

Stephen Sasse, Former Executive General Manager, John Holland Group (2012)


œOver the past 12 months, Safety Dimensions has worked closely with us to deliver a tailored safety leadership program to all levels of our business. During this time, we have seen a significant improvement in our safety attitudes and behaviours, which has resulted in a 33% reduction in our Lost Time Injuries and a 42% reduction in our Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate over 12 months.

General Manager, large transport company


œI have worked with Safety Dimensions and Leadership Dimensions many times over the last 12 years and have always seen the benefit they bring to organisations. Key results include: the ability to help senior leaders understand their current business’ culture, verbalise their desired state, and then decide the desired behaviours to get that end state are second to none. As a leader myself this approach has helped me in my own development as every conversation is a coaching moment – I’m a far better safety professional for having worked them.

GM Safety,  major Australasian food manufacturing company (previously worked within 2 other companies with our team)