Program Review & Learner Satisfaction Survey

Thanks for taking part in the program today.

Using the tabs above, select only the day you have just completed, take some time to share reflections and press ˜submit’ at the end.

On your final day, please fill out the Learner Satisfaction Survey tab.

Please take some time to share reflections from your Day 1 of the program and press ‘submit’ at the bottom.


During today's program

Please take some time to share reflections from your Day 2 of the program and press ‘submit’ at the bottom.


During today's program

Please take some time to share reflections from your Day 3 of the program and press ‘submit’ at the bottom.


During today's program

Please take some time to share reflections from your Day 4 of the program and press ‘submit’ at the bottom.


During today's program

Once you have completed your program, please fill in this learner satisfaction survey.

Program Evaluation - EVO ENERGY Cert IV WHS Units
After considering the following questions, please select a response based on this scale:

1 Strongly Disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly Disagree
4 Slightly Agree
5 Agree
6 Strongly Agree

Prior To Training

Remember: 1= Strongly Disagree - 6 = Strongly Agree

Your Facilitator

The Content and Materials

The Assessment

Logistics & Setup

The Outcome

The following questions are optional; however, they will assist Safety Dimensions to make further improvements to the program.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Should you have any queries regarding the training that you have undertaken, please call 03 9510 0477.

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