Negligent Employers & Senior Executives Can Be Charged With Industrial Manslaughter- New Queensland Laws In a media statement from the Queensland government, Industrial Relations Minister Grace Grace announced new industrial manslaughter laws passed the...
Essendon air crash: what will the investigators be looking for? Geoffrey Dell, CQUniversity Australia Just before 9am on Feb 21st, a twin-engined Beechcraft B200 Super King Air turbo-prop aircraft took off from runway 17 at Essendon Airport outside Melbourne in...
Why we need a new science of safety Philip Thomas, University of Bristol It is often said that our approach to health and safety has gone mad. But the truth is that it needs to go scientific. Managing risk is ultimately linked to questions of engineering and...
As commuters shimmy past large, lumbering trucks on the road, they may glance over and wonder, “How safe is that driver next to me?” If the truck driver is in poor health, the answer could be: Not very. Commercial truck drivers with three or more medical...
The New York Subway Signs Experiment (Video) In NYC, subway conductors have to point at a black and white sign to prove that they’re paying attention. They do it at every hour, at every stop, so a group of commuters decided to make their day.