5 tips for working successfully with subcontractors
Organisations are increasingly including subcontractors in their internal training, so everyone is aligned under a single Health & Safety framework. Not only is this beneficial for alignment of safety behaviours, but from a WHS compliance perspective, you have a...
Undertaking a COVID-19 Risk Assessment for your workplace
Have you undertaken a current risk assessment to identify the risks associated with exposure to COVID-19 in your workplace? Safe Work Australia has published a downloadable checklist you can follow with the key considerations for identifying risks and control...
7 tips for keeping your remote working team safe and engaged
What does work’ look like for you and your team in this current situation? If your team is working remotely or combining work in the office with work from home, there may be a lack of certainty about when we may all be able to return to work as we knew it, and...
Workplace Manslaughter becomes law in Victoria on July 1st 2020
Victoria has made Workplace Manslaughter a criminal offence and will now have the highest safety fine in the country with maximum penalties of $16.5m and 20 years jail. Victoria is the third state after ACT and Queensland to legislate to make Workplace Manslaughter a...